Who were there at MBFWA day 3, the busiest day of this fashion week? Here’s a selection of our front row images from Sterre Troquay, Julliette Heijnen, House of Byfield, Boaz van Doornik, Liesbeth Sterkenburg, Trinhbecx, Schepers Bosman, Botter and Dennis Diem catwalk fashion show.
What are you wearing during the Mercedes Benz Amsterdam Fashion Week? Your vintage YSL suit, a bespoke blazer or your latest pair of Celine sandals? We don’t judge, we’re not the fashion-police, we just enjoy fashion and your own personal style.
What are you wearing during the fashionweeks? Your Gucci-shoes, that vintage Prada or your latest Givenchy-sweater? Maybe we’ll spot you in Paris, Milan, New York or Amsterdam. During the fashionweeks we refresh our streetwear posts regularly. We don’t judge, we’re not the fashion-police, we just enjoy fashion and your own personal style. Next stop: Milan Womenswear Fashion Week fall/winter 2014.
The third day of Amsterdam Fashion Week was a day full of shows. We enjoyed the Bas Kosters show a lot, especially with special guest Margreet Dolman. The roof went off the Zuiveringshal when Jan Boelo presented his collection accompanied with a (metal)hard rock soundtrack and everybody left happy laughing after the sizzling SIS-show of Spijkers & Spijkers. The LAB-shows were surprising too.
Our own fashiondictionary Crazy Uncle You only find him at small shows of starting designers, and he is often family. You'll recognize him by the clothes and shoes he wears: All wrong (Mephisto shoes, photo-vest, toy-camera). He ALWAYS appears in the frame of the professional photographer and stands in the way. He doesn't have a clue about everything. Related to: crazy aunt.