About Carlo Wijnands (AFW13)

During Amsterdam Fashion Week we will be following someone from the crew every day.

The first day we followed Carlo Wijnands, programme director of AFW.

Which crew are you? The A-team of AIFW

The fifteenth edition of Amsterdam International Fashion Week is a fact. More than 18.500 visitors came to the Westerpark and downtown-program, 1500 less then last year. Due to the bad weather some people decided to stay home and watch the shows via internet. Thanks to the renewed organisation at the AIFW the programme went smootly.

So we thought it’s about time to introduce the crew, or A-team, that is the motor behind the organisation of the Amsterdam fashionweek, which is the number six on the list of international fashion-weeks. But of course this week wouldn’t be possible without the commitment of the other team-members Holly Syrett, Judith Hafkamp, interns and volunteers.

Meet the A-team, from left to right: the best dressed program-director we know Carlo Wijnands, shareholders Hans van der Linden, Bart Maussen and Wouter Zick.


Carlo Wijnands (and Ruud vd Peijl) over slechte ontwerpers en oordoppen

Carlo Wijnands tells us about bad designers and earplugs at Amsterdam Fashion Week, AIFW, fall winter 2010. Meanwhile, Ruud van der Peijl does a fashiondance in the background…
