Oh yes! God put a smile upon your face
December 1, 2015 by Eva Dusch
Filed under Fashion, Featured Items, People, Streetwear
Yes, fashion is a serious and sometimes hard job. You have to work hard, have awful party’s every night (no sleep at all), make long days and there’s quite some pressure (and deadlines, aaah!). But just as in many many other jobs. Sometimes we forget how important it is to keep smiling during stressful times or when we have so many things on our minds and the to-do list never seems to come to an end. Luckily during fashion week, one of the most hectic but also fun times, we spot lots of happy and crazy faces in the streets. Because laughing is so so important guys, it’s essential to our health and existence. Especially these days, where there’s a lot of anxiety and hatred in the world. Like Coldplay sings: Got put a smile upon your face, so let’s use it as much as we can.