A show, unlike any other we have ever witnessed, that was Sistaaz of the Castle by photographer Jan Hoek & fashion designer Duran Lantink. Their project is based around the colorful looks of transgender sex workers on the streets of Capetown. Today a collection based on those fashionable types and their ability to make the most outspoken looks out of anything and everything they can find was presented. A photo exhibition with this very same theme can be visited at the Foam photography in Amsterdam, including portraits of six girls Coco (25), Cleopatra (23), Sulaiga (30), Gabby (29), Flavinia (33) and Joan Collins (57). Pictures that eventually formed the lookbook images for Duran Lantink’s collection and were projected onto today’s backdrop. During the show the audience got to know a little bit more about their lives, their dreams and the way they hope to be perceived by others. Six models were put up on a driving backdrop, each portraying one of the six transgender sex workers. They were fully dressep up and had gotten completely into character. In between different models showed Duran’s latest wearable designs as an explosive finally followed. A spectacle almost impossible to describe in words. Oh well, just check out the images and see it for yourself.
Our own fashiondictionary Chinese under the bridge Photographers who shoot a whole fashion show, deliver the pictures but have no clue of which designer it was.