The fashion show of Eva and Delia was introduced by a short forties/fifties movie in which we saw Victoria Koblenko and Sebastiaan Labrie. It was inspired by Hollywood’s black and white crime-cinema.
Small lamps were hanging above the catwalk and as they lighted up the models appeared.
The designers described their collection as the most chique, fatal, feminine and dramatic one ever. They passed the campy influences they used earlier and focused more on glamour. Yet they still cherished their cutting edge and rocky energy.
Eva and Delia showed a lot of accentuated shoulders. Several fans attached to dresses came by as well. Long eighties inspired jackets with shoulder pads, worn as dresses, and high-waisted pants were also shown.
All designs came by in gold, black and beige and were worn with bronze necklaces.
At the end of the show all models stood still on the runway as the lamps above their heads were turned off one by one to the sounds of Rock ‘n’ roll suicide by David Bowie.
Eva and Delia showed their first collection for EnD in 2007. In November 2009 EnD won the Marie Claire Prix de la Mode as Best National Designer.