Schuller de Waal Catwalk Fashion Show MBFWA FW2015
Both models and muses walked the runway at Schuller de Waal today. The muses were a handful of diverse, well known women (singer Ntjam Rosie, writer Hanna Bervoets, actrice Eva Bartels, Jans Possel – director Mediamatic -, singer Ming, DJ’s Charlotte van den Brekel and Elise Braas (Spacegirls) en fotografe Alexandra Hunts) inspiring the designers in their design process. They wore outspoken fashion pieces, created with a sense of couture. So the show notes read. The models sported looks made to give the black dress a new dimension. What we saw were designs full of contrast as far as texture and silhouette concerned. Dresses made out of both heavy (fur) and light (sheer) fabrics going from tight to loose fitting. Beautifully made, like you don’t always see at the smaller LAB shows by young designers. Every look was offered twice, the one resembling the other, yet still totally different in appearance. The designs felt urban, sporty, chic and refreshing. A solid addition to the Dutch fashion scene. Speculative Realism.