Sanne Schepers is the winner of Lichting 2011 and wins the G-star Raw Talent Award! On Thursday night Sanne was named the most promising young new Dutch talent out of fourteen fashion graduates. Sanne won a price of 10.000 euro and has the honor to be part of the G-star Raw catwalk presentation in Berlin.
An international jury existing of Shelly Fox (Parsons NYC), stylist Catherine Baba (Vogue, Chanel, Balmain), Romain Brau en Anna Kushnerova (founders of the Antwerp fashion store RA13) and Michael van der Ham chose Sanne as the winner of 2011. They praised her for her individual style and the new principle Sanne introduced in fashion.
Sanne used the idea of a twinset and came up with a very innovative design concept which makes it possible to wear one piece of clothing in four different ways. Her silhouettes might have been simple; this idea and the way in which she brought it to life are very promising.
About lichting
Lichting is a fashion award presented to the most promising graduate student in Holland of that specific year. From every big fashion academy (total of seven; AMFI Amsterdam Fashion Institute, Artez Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Arnhem, Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht, Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten Den Haag, Hogeschool Zuyd Maastricht, Gerrit Rietveld Academie Amsterdam, Willem de Kooning Academie Hogeschool Rotterdam) two students are selected. During the Amsterdam Fashion Week al fourteen students compete with each other in order to win the G-star RAW award.